Turning on the Faucet

I've been thinking about writing a book for most of my life. It keeps changing in my head. Sometimes it is fiction. Sometimes it is a children's book. Sometimes it is Christian non-fiction. Sometimes it is so jumbled and strange it doesn't fit into a category...and this explains why I have yet to write a book! 

My brain is like a laptop with too many tabs open on the browser. There is so much going on it's hard for the processor to catch up. 

However, I think I finally have a direction for the moment. I recently decided that the only way to get there is to focus on one idea and finish it. This is easier said than done, as I am easily distracted. Some days I feel like I have so much to say, but once I sit down at the laptop my mind goes blank. Writer's block? Complete terror? I'm not sure, but it is frustrating. 

In an effort to force myself to write no matter what, I am setting a goal to write every day. I am putting it on the blog for my own form of accountability. It is there. It is published on the web. Hopefully I will gain accountability partners out there that will call me out. I need that.

My book will be about struggles I've faced and how God has grown me through them. I know I don't have all the answers, but maybe my journey can help someone else. In the past, it was different. I wanted to write for my own selfish purposes. This time I feel the tug of God to get this out of me. Plus there are a group of ladies at my church who are following my progress. They are my cheerleaders. They believe in me when I don't believe in myself, and I am thankful. 

I am also dedicating myself to writing on this blog at least once per week. In the past it has been a sort-of online journal...just me rambling...and there may still be some of that because I'm me. I would like to do more with it in the future. I'm waiting for more direction, but I do know I have to start typing and let the words out. Thank you for the few that read and follow me. I'd love to see this grow eventually, but I also know I have to put in some work and consistency for that to happen. Please pray for me as I begin to get more serious about my writing. 


  1. I am SO excited!!!!!! and utterly honored to be counted as your cheerleader. I DO BELIEVE IN YOU!! and I enjoy reading your writing. I truly believe the main purpose of struggles in life is for God to bring us through and then give us the HOPE to share with others that they too can get through ... with God!! Life can be very hard, but together, the load is a little lighter. To know that I'm not being singled out and punished but others have the same struggles lifts some of the heaviness of what I'm going through. It also moves my thinking off of me and helps me think of and pray for others.

    Looking forward to the next installment! Thank you for stepping out and sharing with us!!! <3


  2. praying you find the path to the book you are meant to write!


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