Dysfunctional Forgiveness
This morning our pastor spoke on forgiveness. I smugly sat there thinking I knew all about the topic. Now don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t sitting there with an attitude. I wasn’t being a jerk and with arms folded and a sour expression. I was honestly happy to be in the house of God. When I realized what the message was about I remember thinking that we can all use a reminder to pray about whatever cancers we are letting eat away at us. But God did not just show me a face or two. I was struck by a tsunami. To be honest, I’m not even sure I could describe the flood of faces, names and emotions that were pouring through me. I was overwhelmed. I was broken. When I say broken, I’m not exaggerating. I was destroyed. Tears streamed down my face. I was a sobbing mess. I cried and snotted (calling it like it was) so hard I had no choice but to make my way to the altar because that’s where the ...